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travel narrative by sam libby

Saturday, July 5, 2008 - post date

Monterrey Mexico/Casablanca

Monterrey, Mexico is an about two-and-a-half hour bus trip to the United States.

So close. Yet, so far away.

The first night, here, I slept in a dormitory room at a "huespedes/guest house" on the wrong side of town with at least 25 other dudes (the only cheap place I could find) who were also making their plans for getting across that frontier that divides and brings so many realms together.

I have my papers in order. I do not have an immediate reason for fearing the security organs of our brave, new homelandt. But most here are between the border and a hard place.

Two movies with Humphrey Bogurt keep playing in my head.

When I was in the mountains and desert of Real de Catorce I saw in my mind's eye, ran into many synchronistic references to 'The Treasure of the Sierre Madre'. Here in Monterrey I see in my mind's eye, run into synchronistic references to 'Casablanca' ("Play it again, Sam").

I see in 'The Treasure of the Sierre Madre' the indisputable truth that where your heart is, is where your true treasure lies.

I see in the playing of 'Casablanca' in my minds eye that the world is fast entering a black magical reality with parallels to the black magical reality that Europe, the world entered into during the decades of the 1930s, and 1940's.

I see that everyone will have to choose. I see that everyone will define themselves by their choice.