When I crossed to this side of that great river, Uncle Mark put my strong back, weak mind to work.
I worked with surveying crews. I cut lines of sight through the thick briar patches of North Texas, with a machete. I transited the briar patches to help survey trees marked for preservation. I humbly assisted in the accurate, mathematically consistent observing and describing of the lay of the land of residential and commercial properties, undeveloped land that could soon be made into residential and commercial properties.
And with new eyes for observing and describing the lay of the land, I now observe and describe the lay of this homelandt of ours.
It is an anxious land fearful of imminent dispossession, destitution, a whole new magnitude of great economic depression, as the world’s economic system continues to teeter and fall.
The great southern wall of the United States of America is being put into place. In Oklahoma a law is in effect which allows police, immigration officials, homelandt security to check the papers of anyone who even vaguely looks Latin American, or is otherwise suspicious. If your papers are not in order you are stopped, cuffed, and thrown face down on the highways’ center strip. You are put in crowded cages and eventually deported.
So many people in the homelandt’s heartland are addicted to crank. Politicians campaign on their drug war credentials. But most public money that is spent on this great war against the U.S. Constitution is spent to arrest and imprison people whose only crime is the peaceful cultivation of plants.
It is an angry land which is coming to understand that the government of the United States of America serves nobody but the filthy rich, the corporate agenda.
But there is some good news in this homelandt of ours. The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the second amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the right to bear arms and organize militia.
The good news is that there are limits to how far a government can oppress an armed citizenry.
[read blog-style -- first entry at bottom of page]