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Sunday, May 27, 2018 - post date

Book Review - I See Dead People: A Personal Voyage

Book Review: 'I See Dead People: A Personal Voyage
A starting premise of this book, “I See Dead People: A Personal Voyage,” by Anna Gilchrist (Available at Amazon), is that humans are spiritual beings having a physical experience.
And death is definitely not the end of spiritual and personal existence.
When we die we are, either, immediately, guided to the light by light beings (angels). Or if we are still so entangled in materiality, physicality - unable to accept the existential change presented by death - we linger as ghosts.
Entering ‘the light’ we go to a place where we again exist as spiritual beings.
We can reflect on/contemplate our life times and life lessons.
And whenever we choose we can enter into life again. Again be thrown into Birth/Death, the maelstrom of life.
And it is in the maelstrom we have the best opportunities to progress as spiritual beings.
Anna Gilchrist describes helping ghosts to go into the light.
She also describes the work of bringing people into contact with their dead loved ones, so the dead can assure the living that they’re all right and will be with them again.
This view of Life/Death is not new.
After the mega-death of the United States Civil War, a spiritualist movement arose in the United States .After the mega-death of World War I, and the Spanish Influenza, the movement spread.
The famed magician and escape-artist, Harry Houdini, investigated and revealed charlatans trying to profit from peoples’ grief.
And this book notes that people who really have the gift, do not use it for profit or material gain.
The book notes that people who have attained higher consciousness reveal themselves in the way they live.
Those who live for the acquisition of material things, material comforts, don’t get it.
Those who choose simplicity, those who choose to live on little, to live as little tangled in materiality as possible – they do.
This book postulates that this is a basically benign universe/cosmos, where all souls aspiring to the light will, ultimately, attain ‘the light.’
And yet, it seems to me, that this universe/cosmos is a much darker kind of place.
I see a Gnostic Universe
Being an Agnostic means you don’t know.
Being a Gnostic means you know.
You know this universe/cosmos is a fallen universe/cosmos ruled by a fallen, insane spiritual entity, the demi-urge, who erroneously believes that it is GOD.
And yet, this demi-urge, the god of the old and new testament is not the TRUE GOD.
Humans are higher spiritual beings then the god of the Bible, the demi-urge, in that we have a spark of TRUE DIVINITY and the demi-urge doesn’t.
In Gnosticism, the Human Condition also begins with a Fall.
The demi-urge created what we know as Nature.
It showed its creation to its fellow spiritual entity – The Human.
The Human Spiritual Entity is fascinated by Nature. Although the Human is a spiritual entity, the Human has vanity.
It desires to see how it would appear in Nature.
As soon as the Desire is formed – it becomes Reality.
The Human manifests itself in Nature
It becomes entangled, imprisoned in Nature, Materiality, Physicality.
Human History is the struggle to escape this fallen universe/cosmos, and return to the Humans’ original condition of Spiritual Beings.
We are Spiritual Beings imprisoned in a fallen, physical world.
The demi-urge is the warden of the prison. The angels are the guards and the prison administrators.
When we die, the angels work against us to keep us lingering as ghosts, to keep us entangled, imprisoned in the physical world.
When we die and return to our original spiritual condition, we are immediately thrown back into the maelstrom of birth/death, of life-its-own-self. And the demi-urge and his colleagues work against us to keep us imprisoned, to keep us entangled.
And yet, because we have a spark of true divinity, we have a fighting chance to rise above Nature, to dis-entangle ourselves from the material, to escape this fallen, physical world.
There are individual Humans who have done this.
They are our true spiritual teachers/liberators.
The beauty of this book is that it gives the reader the opportunity to reach a vantage point from which it is possible to see the big picture.