Here in these United States, We, the People of these United States,
are reduced to being a very anxious, a very stressed, dispirited,
indebted, increasingly impoverished, working class facing the on-set
of the Great World Depression II (GWD II).
Many tick off the days of the Mayan Calandar as they masturbate
fantasies of the end of the whole depressing narrative of Human
History, which has all led to the present moment. They tick off the
days of the Mayan Calendar as they masturbate fantasies of the end of
the world in December 2012, just three years away.
I say, with complete confidence, the planet Naburu is not coming with
the Apocalypse. Nor will cosmic nuclear blasts from the center of the
galaxy annihilate all that ride on this planet and the darkness of the
present moment in the Human Circumstances.
And yet, I say with complete confidence - something really significant
is about to happen.
We are about to be awakened from our stupor, from our sleep-walking,
from our normal business-as-usual (b-a-u) death-in-life. For there is
nothing that so focuses the collective mind of Humanity then a Great
World Depression.
Soon it will be impossible to not see what complete slaves/bee-otches
of corporation agenda we have become. It will be impossible not to see
the anti-Human intent of the corporations' agenda. It will be
impossible not to feel the Vibration of what is to come.
By December 2012 there will be a nation-wide repeal of the prohibition
on cannabis, because during Great World Depressions government is
unable to sustain prohibitions on alcohol, prohibitions on cannabis,
on a very stressed, very anxious, dispirited, indebted, impoverished
and really angry working class.
Then things will happen.
Means of production will be seized. There will be mass Exodus from the
corporations' agenda.
By December of 2012 it will be seen that what happened in the late
1960's and early 70's was the fitfull stirrings of some greater
awakening - The Great Awakening.
[read blog-style -- first entry at bottom of page]