This grotesque slaughter directly affects relatively few Mexicans. Yet
the deluge of images of decapitated, tortured, mutilated bodies,
stacked human heads is an assault, a brutalization, a degrading of the
national psyche.
The more it bleeds, the more it leads in the newspapers, the
television news. And yet there is a higher consciousness/revelation to
those with eyes that can see. For in this carnage is a clear, not
pretty picture of the dirty, stinking, business-as-usual (b-a-u) of
Mexico and the United States.
The politicians in the United States serve the agendas of the lunatic,
christian, fundamentalists, in creating/perpetuating a prohibition
that does not distinguish between plant medicines and drugs, that
makes national policy a lunatic thing of sinners and their sins, that
has the United States, this land of the free, with the highest
percentage of its population incarcerated (of all countries in the
world), and a so-called war on drugs which is really a war on the
constitution, on the most basic natural rights.
This creates a massive multi-billion dollar black market which further
corrupts an already corrupted Mexican government, police, and
Then the world is thrown into the Great World Depression II because of
the limitless, greed of those masters-of-the-universe who controlled
the American banking system.
And now the Mexican Cartels are just intensifying their greedy,
murderous, corrupted, black market capitalism to preserve their
profits, their markets - like an invisible hand.
We have been here before.
The politicians in the United States serving the agenda of the
lunatic, christian, fundamentalists made alcohol prohibition happen.
This led to an intensifying of the corruption of government, of the
police, of our society - just like Mexico.
Then the Great World Depression I happened. Then there was the
gangland violence and slaughter marked by such events as the
Valentines Day Massacre in Chicago.
And then the problem was so easily solved.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt became president in 1933. In 1934 he
repealed alcohol prohibition.
And so ended our American Valentine Days of the Dead.
All that is needed to end the Mexican Days of the Dead is an end of
the prohibition on plants (cannabis and coca leaves), and addressing
drug addiction, particularly the scourge of crank, with a sensible
national public health policy.
Every day delayed becomes another Mexican Day of the Dead.
[read blog-style -- first entry at bottom of page]