The Great Problem of this time is that Humanity is collectively,
unconsciously, under the power of the blind, self-fulfilling
prophecies of the Archetype of Apocalypse.
The content, the recurring patterns of all mythologies, fairy tales,
the supernatural fairy tales of all organized religions, are
All cultures have their creation story Archetype, and their
end-of-the-world/Apocalypse Archetype.
We are now collectively, unconsciously realizing/making to happen the
Archetype of Apocalypse with a whole new level of focused, fervent
intensity. All are talking Mayan Calendar/Book of
Revelation/Nostradamus/Hopi Prophecy/2012, all variants of apocalyptic
new age, and organized religion twaddle.
And yet all this talk lacks Consciousness. It is a 24/7 stupid sound.
Archetypes are not only primal, universal patterns of myth. They are
autonomous/mythic/psychic entities with a life of their own. They feed
on the moments available nervous, anxious, unconscious energy to
fulfill their Archetypal Agendas.
We must receive the Archetype of Apocalypse with Consciousness.
The many prophets/profits of doom among us, those who serve the agenda
of the Archetype of Apocalypse, are just doing business-as-usual
(b-a-u). They are the imaginatively impoverished priests/authorities
of organized religion who see that the Archetype of Apocalypse is the
last button organized religion can press to terrorize, manipulate,
gain power, and profit from others. They are people trying to
establish a spiritual authority fraud/lie to terrorize, manipulate,
gain power, and profit from others.
To those who can see every moment has something of the creation and
something of the defining of the Apocalypse within IT.
Be careful what you wish for.
Be not anxious.
Be Conscious.
[read blog-style -- first entry at bottom of page]