(The Okie Party-Ghetto Militia and Garden Club are stalwart defenders of all the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution.
We Seek the Restoration of the Republic.
Most of Life is about being Present.
So therefore, we are full Participants (Is-ists in da Is-ism) in that on-going creation of that Mysterious Dionysian Universe of Music, and the Feast and the Revelry of the Human Liberation.)
These are Days of Awe.
The business of what usually Is
Swings in the breeze.
Falls like a House of Cards.
And what was said and done in Secret,
is now yelled from the roof tops.
So, therefore - Be Dionysus
If we are only able to Imagine this Time
as Destitution and Poverty,
then it will be that,
and nothing more.
So, therefore - Be Dionysus
He who teaches the cultivation of that which gladdens the hearts of Mortal Gods.
He the Productive, Overflowing, Abundant, Intoxicating power of Nature,
which takes Us to the Further and the Greater.
He, the Giver of Joy,
Disperser of grief and sorrow.
Great God of the Party.
Wherever there is Community around the Mysteries:
The Mystery of the Party-Ghetto,
The Mystery of the Gardening,
The Mystery of the Liberation
He Is There,
And So Is
The Okie Party-Ghetto Militia and Garden Club
[read blog-style -- first entry at bottom of page]