Special Magical Reality
It has been over a month-and-a-half since I crossed back through the tortilla curtain from the place where Peyote lives to again see with new eyes.
The seeing of Peyote is still with me. And in addition to this, I really do have new eyes.
I am at the age where a persons' seeing physically, materially changes. Most of my life I have been severely near-sighted, needing thick correctional lenses. Now, the physicality, materiality of my eyes have changed. I can see, unassisted.
I am healed.
And all events, circumstances, people, mysteries I encounter mark this moment, this space as a time and place of special magical reality.
This is the time of the tornado, the whirlwind (see 'narrative of the voyage of the bloody, snake...' at myspace-jahdep) in the space I transit (within the boundaries of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Colorado).
I haven't encountered a tornado, but I am always in the time, at the place where the whirlwind, the mystery of mental illness (which is always speaking the same language as religion) touches the earth.
This time is being marked by the deranged and the derangement of people. This time is being marked by the search for meaning that the encounter with lunacy, the lunatic other inevitably illicits.
But this time is being marked, shaped, determined by the meaning found in these events, circumstances, people, mysteries encountered.
And this seeking and finding of meaning in the apparently meaningless is the true human vocation.
Stay tuned to the next 'narrative of the voyage of the bloody, snake chariot...
[read blog-style -- first entry at bottom of page]