Cities of Itz
The ruins of La Quamada (the burnt place) mark the most northern extent of the classic Central American sacred architecture, and this architectures premise that the universe is maintained by the power of the Itz, the human sacrifice, the power generated by the fatal release, the flowing of blood, the release and flow of all fluids of the human body.
The intent of the sacred architecture was to frame the human sacrifice, the fatal, ceremonial release of blood/Itz. The sacred architecture and its ceremony was meant to be a kind of nuclear reactor of Itz.
The corpses would be rolled down the steps of the pyramids leaving a glistening streak of blood/Itz from top to bottom.
The classic Central American civilizations observed and created a stark, bloody but strangely hopeful universe. Impeccability was possible in the face of the mystery of the Itz/human sacrifice. Impeccability could transform humans into gods/immortals. Impeccability in the face of the mystery could transform the universe into a subtly more hospitable place for the Human.
But by the end of the classical age the cult of the Itz/human sacrifice degenerated into a fearsome, morbid cult of death. In the last days of Quamada, the sacred architecture was adorned by tortured corpses, rotting skulls and body parts.
And that is how the city was decorated when the walls of the city were breached and the city of 15,000 people was burnt and put to the knife around 950 A.D.
Close to Quamada is the storybook beautiful, colonial city of Zacatecas which is also built on Itz.
The indigenous people fought a long, desperate war of resistance against the Spanish who came in force because there was gold and silver. Those who survived the war were made slaves in the mines.
The Eden Mine of Zacatecas was worked until the 1950's. It was one of the richest mines in Mexico. It is a place heavy with the blood and tears of slaves.
The mine allowed the Spanish to build a beautiful, idealized, sentimentalized, imagined Spanish City, with no capital restraints.
The callejornidas (see 'narrative of the bloody, snake chariot' - dark and the myspace/jahdep), the Dioynesian street parties that erupt throught the streets of Zacatecas Thursday night through Saturday night are a revived miner tradition.
When the miners were temporarily freed slaves they would hire a band, and prostitutes, they would get stinking drunk, dance in the streets, Itz vomit and semen, until the police came and Bacchus/Dioynesis would seem to be arrested.
[read blog-style -- first entry at bottom of page]