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travel narrative by sam libby

Thursday, December 6, 2007 - post date

The Falling Towers: Oklahoma City


The Power of the consuming, purifying fire destroys the old and sweeps it away," reads the Handbook for the Aleister Crowley Tarot. Nothing is spared; the tower of the ego will be shaken to its very foundation.

"Anything you attempt to cling to will be destroyed…The apparent securities of the past have begun to waver and topple…Times of desperation and inner tension."

In 1993 an attempt was made to topple The World Trade Towers, but at 9:02 a.m. on April 19, 1995 the first tower, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, was destroyed in a moment. And in that moment, our nation collectively drew the Tarot Card, XVI The Tower - that has prophesized this time.

That moment and this space of prophesy is marked by the 'Outdoor Symbolic Memorial' at the crater in Oklahoma City, where once stood the tower.

The moment is framed by two monumental twin gates. The East Gate has 9:01 monumentally chiseled on it. This gate is said to represent "the innocence" before the destruction. The West Gate has 9:03 monumentally chiseled on it. The moment when we are said to have been "changed forever".

But the 'Outdoor Symbolic Memorial' in Oklahoma City attempts to celebrate the resumption, the continuing of an unexamined, stagnant, static, repetitious business-as-usual (b-a-u). By 'The Survivor Tree' a 90 year-old American Elm that survived the near-by blast, is monumentally chiseled into cracked cement, "The spirit of this city and this nation will not be defeated; our deeply rooted faith sustains us."

In this time of the falling towers any thing, any materiality, any opinion, any political/religious orthodoxy, any static, stagnant repetition, will not sustain, cannot be clung to – the center will not hold.

In this time of the falling towers is the time for the Crazy, Scary Leap into the Wild Blue Yonder of the Not-Business-As-Usual (N-B-A-U).