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travel narrative by sam libby

Tuesday, November 20, 2007 - post date

Signs in the Sky

There are signs in the sky. Energy corporations concede the bell curve of past the peak oil is inescapably real. Business-as-usual continues to teeter in this solstice time - the darkest time of the year.

A very faint, very strange comet, Comet Holmes mysteriously becomes a million times brighter becoming very visible to the naked eye in the constellation Perseus.

I have watched as the comet fades, for now, in the Kansas sky. But the constellation of the Archetype of Apocalypse is intense and intensifies.

The stagnant repetition of the 24/7 news cycle is of $100 barrels of oil, jihadists seizing the Pakistani nuclear arsenal, ice sheets sliding off Greenland and\or Antartica, sea level rising as much as 80 feet, the coming of strange days with much stranger days to follow.

Carl Jung was clear about this. Archetypes are far more than universal, psychic patterns of Myth. Archetypes are autonomous entities. They have a life of their own. They feed on the psychic energy that humanity makes available to them.

The Archetype of the Revelation at the End-of-Time, the Archetype of Collapse, the Archetype of the end of the world-as-we-know-it, the end of the day of the car-key monkey (see Jah D.E.P. www.libbyhome.blogspot.com) is feasting.

Be not anxious.

In as much as you are business-as-usual you are invested in the worst-case-scenarios of the collapse of the b-a-u.. In as much as you are n-b-a-u you are able to see that in every moment there is something of the Creation and something of the Apocalypse and that heaven covers the face of the earth – if you are only able to see.